• International Conference

    Academia Stands for Green Deal

    Building upon the success of the previous year's conference, we were thrilled to welcome an even greater participation from businesses and industrial partners. By expanding our network and involving more stakeholders, we can collectively drive innovation, share knowledge, and accelerate the transition towards a greener, more sustainable future.

    Throughout the conference, we explored a wide range of topics related to the Green Deal, including critical raw materials, renewable energy, circular economy, green IT, and much more. Distinguished experts from academia and industry shared their valuable insights and inspiring ideas to shape the pathway towards a more environmentally conscious world.

    The conference 2023 featured engaging panel discussions, interactive workshops, and thought-provoking networking opportunities, providing a fertile ground for fruitful exchanges and collaborations.

  • Relisten to the conference on our podcast

    Plenary Speach

    Victoire de Margerie, Founder & Vice Chairman of World Materials Forum   

    Raw Materials for

    Green and Digital Transitions


    Green Industry



    Green IT


    Training the

    Next Generation

    for Green Deal

    Photo Gallery

    Watch the full video